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Thursday 23 May 2024

5 High-Paying, Remote Side Jobs in 2024 You Can Start Now

 In this era of rising inflation, the cost of living continues to climb, putting financial pressure on many households. Inflation erodes purchasing power, making everyday expenses such as groceries, housing, and utilities more expensive. One effective way to cushion yourself from the impact of inflation is by having a side hustle. A side job provides an additional income stream, helping offset the higher costs and maintain your standard of living. It boosts your financial resilience and offers opportunities to diversify your skills and career prospects, providing a safety net in uncertain economic times. According to Forbes, here are five lucrative remote side jobs you can start in 2024.

#1. Software Developer

Software development remains one of the most lucrative side jobs available. You can find remote opportunities on platforms like DevIT Jobs, Turing, and Dice. As a software developer, whether freelancing or working part-time, you can expect to earn an impressive average hourly rate of $59.71. This field not only offers high pay but also the flexibility to work from anywhere, making it an ideal choice for tech-savvy individuals.

#2. Project Manager

Project managers are essential across various industries, and their demand continues to grow. If you're already working as a project manager, taking on additional freelance projects can significantly boost your income. However, it's crucial to maintain a clear distinction between your primary job and side gig to avoid any conflicts or confusion. Project managers earn $45.85 per hour on average, making it a highly rewarding side hustle.

#3. Consultant

Consulting offers a diverse range of opportunities depending on your expertise. Whether you specialize in social media management, digital marketing, IT, or legal matters, consultancy can be a profitable side job. Due to the variety of consultancy fields, the pay rate can vary, but you can earn around $45 per hour. This flexibility allows you to leverage your unique skills and knowledge to help businesses grow while earning a substantial income.

#4. Adjunct Professor

Becoming an adjunct professor could be an excellent side job if you have a passion for teaching and expertise in a particular subject. Adjunct professors typically teach at multiple institutions or on a contractual basis, allowing them to share their knowledge without committing to a full-time position. With a median hourly pay of $38.87, this role not only enhances your income but also provides the satisfaction of educating the next generation.

#5. Web Designer

Web design is a creative and high-demand field. As a web designer, you create the visual layout of websites, distinguishing your role from that of web developers who build the site's structure. If you possess web design skills, taking on freelance projects can be a profitable side hustle, earning you up to $38.81 per hour. With remote work opportunities readily available, you can easily integrate web design gigs into your schedule.

Tips for Balancing Side Jobs and Full-Time Work

While having a side job can significantly boost your income and career development, it's essential to manage it effectively to avoid burnout and conflicts with your primary employment. Here are some tips to help you balance both:

  • Transparent Communication: Consider candidly discussing your side job with your employer. Numerous employers are open to flexible working arrangements if approached honestly.
  • Time Management: Use productivity tools and schedules to manage your time efficiently between multiple jobs. It is important to prioritize tasks and set clear boundaries to ensure you can deliver quality work in both roles.
  • Network Wisely: Leverage your professional network to find side gigs. Platforms like LinkedIn and FlexJobs are excellent resources for remote job opportunities.
  • Ethical Considerations: Be aware of your company's policies regarding side jobs. Ensure your side hustle is consistent with your primary job's responsibilities and ethical guidelines.

By carefully selecting a side job that aligns with your skills and managing your time effectively, you can enjoy the financial benefits and professional growth of having a remote side hustle. These five high-paying side jobs offer the perfect opportunity of achieving your personal and financial goals in 2024.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Monetizing Skills and Knowledge in Retirement: Turning Passion into Profit

 Lieberman said that retirement opens the door for passion projects that can pay dividends. "Just because you've retired doesn't mean you have no other ways to make money," he explained. "If you've got time on your hands, writing a book can set you up for passive income once you've published it. If your book sells, you'll receive royalties from every copy, which can be unlimited lifetime income."

Another option is creating video courses based on areas of expertise. "If you have specific knowledge, you can capture it and share it for profit," Lieberman said. "Create the course once, and you can get paid no matter how many times it gets downloaded."

Stevenson added that once the upfront investment in production is made, these goods can continue generating sales for years down the line with minimal additional effort.

For retirees who have authored books, composed hit songs, or produced any other valuable intellectual property over the years, the royalty checks can keep rolling in for decades after the initial hard work is done. What could be more passive than cold, hard cash for your past creative genius?

From stocks and real estate to money lending and creative works, retirees have a wide range of paths for establishing multiple streams of income that can keep paying out long after the initial work is done. With smart planning, you can turn hobbies and existing assets into self-sustaining cash flow sources to supplement your retirement savings.

Unlocking the Potential of Your Expertise

Retirement can be an ideal time to monetize skills and knowledge accumulated over a lifetime. Leveraging these assets can provide a steady income stream, ensuring financial stability and the opportunity to pursue passion projects. Here's how you can make the most out of your expertise:

Write and Publish a Book

Writing a book can be a powerful way to generate passive income. Whether it's a novel, a memoir, or a non-fiction guide based on your professional experience, publishing a book can open the door to continuous royalties. The initial effort of writing and marketing can pay off as your book reaches an audience and sales grow.

Create and Sell Online Courses

Online education is booming, and if you have specialized knowledge or skills, creating a video course can be highly profitable. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Coursera provide a marketplace for experts to share their wisdom. Once you create and upload the course, it can generate income indefinitely as students enroll over time.

Offer Consulting Services

Your professional experience can also be monetized through consulting. Many businesses and individuals seek expert advice to navigate challenges and improve their operations. Consulting can be done remotely, providing flexibility and the ability to work on your own terms.

Invest in Intellectual Property

If you've already created valuable intellectual property—such as books, music, or patents—retirement is the time to maximize these assets. Royalty income from intellectual property can be a substantial passive income source. Proper management and marketing of these assets can ensure they continue to generate revenue for years.

Diversify Income Streams

Diversifying your income streams is crucial for success in financial security in retirement. Besides intellectual property, consider investments in stocks, real estate, or peer-to-peer lending. These investments can provide additional income streams that complement the earnings from your creative and professional endeavors.

Stocks and Dividends

Investing in dividend-paying stocks provides a steady stream of income. Dividends are portions of a company's profit distributed to shareholders, offering a reliable return on investment. 

Real Estate Investments

Acquiring rental properties or investing in real estate funds generates ongoing rental income. Based on real-time trends and testimonials from numerous real estate investors, properties appreciate over time, increasing your wealth and providing a hedge against inflation.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

Platforms like Lending Club and Prosper give you the chance to lend money to individuals or small businesses in exchange for interest payments. This can diversify your income and potentially offer higher returns than traditional savings accounts. (NOTE: FURTHER PERSONAL RESEARCH IS REQUIRED BEFORE YOU INVEST ON ONLINE PLATFORMS).

Monetizing your skills and knowledge in retirement has the potential to transform your golden years into a period of financial growth and personal fulfillment. Whether through writing, teaching, consulting, or investing, there are numerous opportunities to create passive income streams. By strategically leveraging your expertise and assets, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable retirement free from financial worry.

Unlock the potential of your retirement by exploring these diverse and lucrative avenues. Your lifetime of knowledge and experience is a treasure trove waiting to be tapped into—start today and secure your financial future.

Monday 22 April 2024

Do you find it hard to come with achievable long-term or short-term goals? You have the goals figured out but still cannot achieve them? Personal Financial Goals You Can Actually Achieve in 2024

 Have you ever thought about why you're always broke? No matter how much you earn, you're still out of money at the end of each month, and your account is always empty by the end of each year, so whenever you need cash in any emergency, you must get a loan. 

Well, this situation is the result of not paying attention to achieving your personal financial goals. Want freedom, relief of mind, or just want to achieve a goal that costs money? You must pay attention to creating and achieving personal finance goals. 

In this blog post, I'm going to show you an easy way to build and achieve financial goals. 

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Goals:

Short-Term Goals: 

If you have a hard time sticking to a budget and achieving a big financial goal by consistently saving money, you should start by creating short-term goals and then achieve them. 

As the name shows, short-term goals are small goals that you can achieve within one month to 1 year. 

#1- Building an emergency fund equivalent to three months' living expenses.

Wise people always save a 6-month emergency fund so that if they, unfortunately, lose their job or their assets, they can still continue the same lifestyle until they get a new job. 

But if you're new to achieving financial goals, you should consider building an emergency fund of three months. If you spend $1000 monthly, you must save $3000 as an emergency fund for three months. 

The best way is to have a consistent budget which splits your money into three parts; 

  1. 50% on Needs 
  2. 30% on Wants 
  3. 20% for Savings

It's called the 50-30-20 budget rule. It's the easiest way to stick to a budget if you've never practiced budgeting. 

#2- Paying off a credit card balance.

To avoid interest, you must consider paying off your credit balance. First, you should try to stop using credit cards for your daily life purchases. Use a wallet as you can count your money while you spend, and you can stop overspending. 

#3- Saving for a vacation.

Vacations are the best way to improve your well-being. But most of the time, people avoid vacations because they cost them more than they earn. 

So, plan a vacation or a trip for a week or two, and start saving money for it before 5-6 months. So that you won't feel any burden and still you can enjoy the vacation. 

#4- Starting a side hustle to increase income

Side Hustle can be both small and large; it depends on your chosen business. If you are just starting, I would suggest going for a small hustle. 

Choose your niche, do some research, and start saving money for it. As all businesses demand some investment, you'll have a proper goal to save money for the investment. And your most significant motivation will be to increase your income. 

Whenever you save a cent, you'll have that thing in mind that from this side hustle you're going to earn more than you invest. 

Long-Term Goals

Long-term financial goals need a saving of more than a year or more. You can make a goal to save an amount each month for your retirement or meet a significant need such as buying a house or a car so that you can easily travel and save on public transport costs. 

#1- Saving for retirement

Everyone wants to retire as early as possible. But most people can't even make a proper living at the age of 50 because they haven't saved anything for their retirement. 

You don't want that, right? So, in order to save money per month, you must make a long-term goal that keeps you motivated to save an amount no matter what. The goal should be to save money for your retirement. 

#2- Buying a House

If you're paying monthly rent and want to buy a house for yourselfbut you can't afford it right now, you must think about saving money for your house. 

Save as much as possible, and one day, you'll have enough money to buy your dream house. Start by saving a little money and then increase it with time. 

#3- Investing in higher education

If you want to study more and become a highly qualified person from a prestigious university, you must think about starting to save money right now. 

Put less than half of your income or pocket money into your savings envelope and repeat it every month until you save enough to meet your university or college expenses. 

#4- Building a robust investment portfolio

You might have heard this famous saying about not putting all the eggs in one basket. The same saying goes for investment. If you put all your investments in one type of asset, for example, stocks, you're at a high 24/7 risk of losing that money. 

So, to minimize the risk, it is always advised to invest in different types of investments such as stocks, real estate, etc. Don't go for only one option. But to build that robust investment portfolio, you must need money. Where are you going to get that money? Through the savings that you'll be making each month, 

Finding Motivation

#1- Visualize Success 

When all the goals and the results are in front of you, you get motivated. So, to not lose that motivation, you must create a vision board and start counting your small steps and victories. 

And start visualizing that one day you're going to achieve that goal no matter what. But the most important thing is you must enjoy the process that brings success. 

#2- Break Goals Down 

Not everyone has enough motivation or resources to start saving a lot of money for months. So, to make your goal look more achievable, you must consider breaking down your bigger goal. 

For example, if you want to save $1000 per month, you must start by saving $100 each month or even a smaller figure. So that you will stay calm and succeed at saving even a penny. 

#3- Seek Accountability

If you're okay telling your goals to someone, then consider telling it to any of your loved ones who can visualize your growth and can hold you accountable, plus give you the motivation to be on track. 

You can also get help from a personal finance mentor. If not, then consider becoming your own best friend and track your progress on your own. 

#4- Educate Yourself

Achieving personal finance goals may sound very simple, but they require much knowledge. So, you must consider watching videos and podcasts that teach personal finance and strategies to save money efficiently, or you can read money-making and saving books. 

Go for the free options at first and then start investing in yourself to get educated about money saving. 

#5- Track Progress

The best method to get motivated is to check your expenses regularly. Frugal living demands tracking your expenses on a regular basis. 

So, if you're determined to save money for your goals, you must start living frugally; for that, you must create a budget and stick to it. Next, you need to track your spending on a weekly or daily basis and avoid impulse buying. 


A person with no goals can't get that healthy dopamine that a person gets at achieving his goals. So, make your goals and start saving money to accomplish them. Start by creating short-term goals and then switch towards long-term goals. 

Friday 29 March 2024

Achieving Personal Finance Goals/ Financial Freedom in Africa


Achieving Personal Finance Goals in Africa

Whether you’re under the burden of huge debt or just wish to save more money, setting personal financial goals is essential. 

Especially in Africa, where people need to take money-saving seriously because of financial illiteracy, luckily, African youth are striving to build businesses, and as they are more into entrepreneurship, they know how important it is to save and track money. 

This post aims to provide you with six important and basic steps to achieving personal finance goals while living in Africa or other parts of the world. (Money works the same everywhere).

6 Steps To Achieving Personal Finance Goals in Africa

For any kind of success, we have to set some goals/milestones and start working on achieving them, right? Similarly, for financial success, you need to create personal finance goals and start working on achieving them. 

I’ve broken down the steps for you so that no matter if you've got financial knowledge or not, the details won’t overwhelm you.

#1- Budgeting and Saving

The main step to achieving personal finance goals is to create an effective Budget. You can create a budget utilizing 50 30 20 rule, which says; 

  • 50% of the money should be spent on Needs. 
  • 30% of the money should be spent on Wants. 
  • 20% of the money should be saved. 

This rule is the perfect and easiest way to divide your monthly income. It helps you overcome the urge to impulse buy. 

When you start saving 20% of your income, you’ll get a relaxation to overcome rainy days. Rainy days are mainly those days that are hard from the common days. In those days, you may have an urgent need to spend money, for instance, in the unfortunate event of sickness and other unforeseeable circumstances.

Even if you lose your job, you’ll have the relaxation of mind to survive the upcoming days until you get a new job. So, budgeting and saving money may look boring or hard initially, but it actually earns you freedom, so you must consider it. 

#2- Investing

In simpler words, investing is a form of passive income. Meaning you get more than you’ve invested initially. Now, there are many types of investing, and it's not hard to start investing. All you need is basic knowledge and money for investment, and you’re good to go. 

Here are some types of Investing; 

  • Stocks 
  • Bonds 
  • Funds 
  • Commodities 

There are three simple ways to start investing;

  1. If you have specific knowledge about investing or have time to learn and start investing, this will be called D.I.Y. investing. You’ll be all on yourself. You’ll manage your investments and examine the stock market and everything by yourself. 

  1. If you don’t have time or specific knowledge to start investing, you can seek help from a professional. This will be called professionally managed Investing. There will be a few chances of money loss in this type of investing, which is way less than you can expect in D.I.Y. investing. 

  1. If you don’t have money plus skills to start investing by yourself or through professional assistance, you’ll have an affordable way to do it. It’ll be through the help of A.I. programs that'll do research on both the investor and the company and will suggest to you where and how much you should invest. 

#3- Debt Management

It's always a NO to fulfill your desires or wants through debt money. Credit cards do more harm than anything else. If you want to avoid financial tension, you should better stop taking debt and start giving back the payments you’ve borrowed. 

Saving money can only be possible if your debt accounts are cleared. You can take the help of non-profit debt management organizations, or you can manage your debt all by yourself.

#4- Financial Planning

Financial planning is similar to creating a budget plus setting goals. Out of the many gains, the primary benefit of financial planning is that it ensures an early retirement. 

Creating financial goals, maybe in terms of earning a subsequent amount of money or saving a particular amount each month for a certain period, you start working on those goals, which ultimately pushes you toward your early retirement. 

Financial planning also involves creating an emergency fund. Financial advisors often recommend that people save a six-month emergency fund so that if they have a sudden emergency or any economic issue, they don’t have to borrow money from any bank or loan provider. 

#5- Real Estate

Real estate has always been a hot topic; millions of financially successful people love learning about it and using it to generate money/passive income. 

Well, many of them lost money, too, because they needed more knowledge. So, to earn money through real estate, one must know about buying, selling, renting, and investing in this domain.

  • If you’ve got enough time and energy to invest in real estate, you should consider owning rental properties. It is also called a do-it-yourself strategy. While this strategy may look scam-free, it may cost you a lot of money to manage and maintain the properties when you don’t have any tenants to pay the rent. 

  • The second option is to join real estate investment groups, where big rental companies will construct and maintain the properties and also, they’ll manage the tenants. All you’ll have to do is buy the property; the company will take care of the rest. 

These ways mentioned above are the two primary and traditional forms of real estate investing; you can either buy and sell the properties on your own, or you can take the help of big real estate groups and companies to avoid the hassle. 

#6- Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)

FIRE is a motto that has been trending among individuals worldwide. In Africa, youths are getting more knowledge about financial management and saving, so they are determined to retire early and enjoy freedom. 

The only way to retire early is to start living frugally. Spend less than you earn. Save money aggressively and spend money wisely. 

Whenever you want to achieve goals, you need both self-discipline and motivation. So, for self-discipline, you need to create an effective budget and stick to it. 

On the other hand, you need to join FIRE communities to gain motivation. You can join and actively participate in verified, reliable social media groups/online FIRE forums, where people like you and financial experts will share stories and strategies to retire as early as possible. 

Key Takeaway 

Creating and achieving personal finance goals is essential for everyone. Those who ignore them suffer from the financial crisis. 

Spending frugally and tracking your expenses is the best way to stick to your budget. Consider following the steps mentioned above, and you’ll see how much money you save a month and how fast you achieve your personal finance goals. 

Thursday 21 March 2024

Jimmy Carter Makes History as Longest Living Former U.S. President - Today in History

 Welcome to our first edition of today in history! On this Friday, March 22, 2024, we commemorate a significant milestone as Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, achieves a remarkable feat, becoming the longest-living former US President. Join us as we delve into this momentous occasion and explore the legacy of one of America's most iconic leaders.

Jimmy Carter: A Legacy of Service

Born on October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia, James Earl Carter Jr. served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. From his humble beginnings as a peanut farmer to his tenure in the highest office in the land. Beyond his presidential tenure, Carter's life has been defined by a profound commitment to public service, humanitarian efforts, and diplomacy.

A Record-Breaking Milestone As of today, March 22, 2024, Jimmy Carter has surpassed the record for the longest lifespan of any former US President, a testament to his resilience, perseverance, and dedication to making a difference long after leaving office. At the age of 99, he continues to inspire generations with his unwavering devotion to causes such as human rights, affordable housing, and global peace.

Carter's Enduring Impact During his presidency, Jimmy Carter prioritized diplomacy and championed human rights on the international stage, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his efforts in conflict resolution and fostering global cooperation. His commitment to social justice and equality has left an indelible mark on American politics, shaping conversations around issues such as healthcare, environmental conservation, and economic equality.

The Power of Leadership Jimmy Carter's journey serves as a reminder of the enduring power of leadership and the impact that individuals can have on shaping the course of history. His commitment to principles of compassion, integrity, and inclusivity continues to resonate with people around the world, inspiring new generations to pursue positive change in their communities and beyond.

As we reflect on this significant moment in history, let us celebrate the life and legacy of Jimmy Carter, a true statesman whose tireless dedication to service has left an indelible mark on the world. As he continues to chart new milestones, may we be inspired by his example to strive for a better, more equitable future for all.

Stay tuned for more insights into the moments that shape our world as we continue to explore the rich tapestry of history together.

Top Companies Offering Competitive Entry-Level Salaries: Forbes Reveals

 In today's competitive job market, securing a well-paying entry-level position is a priority for many graduates and job seekers. According to Forbes, several major companies are leading the charge by offering salaries surpassing the median average for entry-level roles. Let's delve into the list and explore the companies that are setting the bar high for compensation:

  1. Tenet HealthCare Corporation: With an impressive ownership percentage of 87.8%, Tenet HealthCare is renowned for its commitment to providing competitive salaries to entry-level employees. Their dedication to rewarding talent is evident, making them a top choice for job seekers looking for lucrative opportunities.
  2. Citigroup, Inc.: Citigroup boasts an ownership percentage of 82.4% and is recognized for its generous compensation packages across various roles. For entry-level positions, Citigroup stands out as a company that values the contributions of its employees by offering salaries above the industry average.
  3. Bank of America Corporation: Holding a solid ownership percentage of 80.2%, Bank of America is a powerhouse in the financial sector. Not only does it offer robust career development opportunities, but it also ensures that entry-level employees are well-compensated for their skills and dedication.
  4. Target: Target, with a significant ownership percentage of 79.7%, is a retail giant and a leader in providing competitive salaries to its entry-level workforce. With a focus on attracting top talent, Target continues to set the benchmark for compensation in the retail industry.
  5. AT&T Inc.: AT&T, with an ownership percentage of 76.0%, is synonymous with innovation and excellence. The company's commitment to offering attractive salaries to entry-level employees reflects its dedication to fostering a thriving workforce.
  6. Verizon Communications Inc.: With an ownership percentage of 74.9%, Verizon Communications is a trailblazer in the telecommunications industry. Its reputation for providing above-average salaries to entry-level hires positions it as a desirable employer for those seeking financial stability and growth opportunities.
  7. Tesla Inc.: with a notable ownership percentage of 70.3%, Tesla is revolutionizing the automotive and energy industries. Beyond its groundbreaking technologies, Tesla is also known for offering competitive entry-level salaries, making it an appealing choice for aspiring professionals.
  8. Amazon: with an ownership percentage of 66.8%, Amazon has redefined e-commerce and logistics globally. As one of the world's largest employers, Amazon ensures that its entry-level employees receive compensation that exceeds industry standards, reinforcing its position as an employer of choice.
  9. Lockheed Martin Corporation: Holding a substantial ownership percentage of 66.0%, Lockheed Martin is a leader in aerospace and defense. The company's commitment to offering competitive entry-level salaries underscores its dedication to attracting top talent and fostering a culture of excellence.
  10. Tyson Foods Inc.: Tyson Foods, with an ownership percentage of 65.6%, is a critical player in the food processing industry. By offering salaries above the median average for entry-level positions, Tyson Foods demonstrates its commitment to supporting the growth and development of its workforce.

These companies, as highlighted by Forbes, are at the forefront of providing highly competitive salaries for entry-level positions. Their commitment to rewarding talent and fostering a supportive work environment makes them stand out as top choices for job seekers aiming to kickstart their careers on a lucrative note.

Blue Ocean Strategy: Navigating Your Workplace to Win Big

Ever felt like you're swimming against the tide in your workplace? Stuck in a sea of competition, where everyone seems to be vying for t...